Last I heard, we were third in the country for the Original One World Together At Home Shirt number of cases, which is why we have such strict stay-at-home protocols. The people protesting see this as a violation of their rights, because obviously them going out is more important than all of their neighbors that are sick and/or dying. Let’s see how they are in a week. If you go to this page and sort by any column, most have Michigan near the top. They are fucking THIRD in the total number of deaths! I can tell you those numbers are so high because the older generations in Michigan are not following the quarantine. The stores are jam-packed with the elderly. It’s wild. No, they don’t. My elderly mother alternates between “It’s the wrath of God!” and “I think I’ll go out today. I’ll take a cab. Presumably, the driver won’t have it, and I’ll be safe in the back seat anyway”.
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They don’t care about you, that’s why they as an Original One World Together At Home Shirt group constantly vote against raising the minimum wage. You’re not a real person in their world, you act as an NPC for them. Their parents called them the ME generation for a reason. There’s lots of rural poor folk who own big tracts of worthless real estate. And there’s not much you can do with a mountain if you can’t mine it and it’s not in a hot tourist location. There are reports that the death numbers are fairly low because they aren’t counting people who die in their homes. The number of people actually infected is way, way higher than whatever the official number is.
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He said everyone another officer in his city has similar numbers. He said everyone another officer in his city has similar numbers. They won’t be counted since there aren’t enough tests for the living. Yeah, Michigan just went insane right from the start. I assume travel to Original One World Together At Home Shirt China is frequent in the auto industry. I had a very similar illness in late January after returning from a retail technology trade show in New York City and have this weird apprehension that the 3 of us were somehow early carriers here. Detroit’s airport also is a major Delta hub, with tons of international flights in and out. We were always going to get hit hard by this. That county has more deaths than the entire state of California right now. It’s times like this that I’m glad we’re competent.