Cameras can be set to Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Loves Baltimore Ravens Shirt take bursts of photos over a second or two. Then they just pick the best of the bunch. That’s how sports photographers get those awesome action shots. You forgot to mention you have to be there at the right place and the right time. The camera doesn’t take the photo for you. Keep up the long line of bad puns, and people will be calling for our heads on pikes, a wound that not even the best sturgeon can remedy. I fear for our soles. Edit: I have been informed that my pun doesn’t make sense, as the theme is ‘fish.’ Guess I was to nave to figure it out on my own.
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Yes, there’s some luck involved too. The Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Loves Baltimore Ravens Shirt steeple could have easily fallen behind the church from her point of view. Or (assuming this isn’t cropped) it could have fallen out of frame. As a photographer, I know all too well that you can be there and ready, but miss the perfect angle when something impactful happens. Looks like it was burning for a while. The photo is of the collapse, not the lighting. Much easier to anticipate. My camera has a mode where it constantly takes photos when I half-press the shutter button. Then when something happens, like a bird taking off, I press the shutter button fully and have an array of photos right before I pressed it. Perfect timing shots guaranteed.
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This reminds me of a Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Loves Baltimore Ravens Shirt joke my grandfather loved… A man and a priest are playing golf. The mangoes for the putt and misses and shouts ‘ah fuck, ya bugger I missed. ‘Now my son, do not swear, God will be angered’. They get to the next whole and the man misses again. ‘ Jesus fucking Christ fuck this shit I missed!’ The priest, in an ever more serious tone states ‘my son, I implore not to swear, God will be very angry. Onto the third hole, and the man misses again. As he lines up to start swearing, the sky darkens, and a lightning bolt rips from the sky and hits the priest dead. And from the heavens, a booming voice rings out ‘Man fucking hell I missed.